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Divinia Semone Aesthetics; Training Academy Cancellation Policy
and Booking Fees

If booking on to training course / Masterclass, a non-refundable deposit is required. This amount will be agreed with the student at the time of booking and will be stated under all course information.
A non-refundable balance is then due 14 days  in advance of your course date. This information will be provided to you on your course confirmation email sent by us.

If, for any Serious or Major reason / circumstance, you need to rebook your training date we require a 21 day notice period, or a new deposit will become payable. You will also need to Prove why you needed to change your training date, and the decision will be made upon our discretion.

​Should you need to change the date past 21 days cancellation period and once the full balance payment has been made this becomes non refundable.

If you do need to cancel or rearrange your training, please WhatsApp on  07399 240 176 or Email us at

Please leave a clear message stating the following:

  • ​Your reason for cancelling 

  • The date and time of your course

  • Your full name 

  • Your telephone number 

  • The course you were booked in for.


  • All course fees are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Divinia Semone Aesthetics & Training Academy is unable to offer refunds where training is cancelled or postponed outside of our control. An alternative training date will be offered.   It is the student’s responsibility to get in touch to reschedule any such postponed training. The Academy is not responsible for any loss of income or accommodation/travelling costs students may incur due to the cancellation of courses.

Cancellation of Courses Paid by Finance / Payment Plan
Premium Credit / Klarna only: Courses purchased using the aforementioned payment methods would be eligible for a 21 day ‘Cooling Off’ period which begins from the agreed date of plan commencement and expires after 14 days or as soon as any part of the course is redeemed e.g. attendance of a training day or accessing the online student portal to begin online learning. When accessing the portal for the first time, you are reminded of these terms and agree to cease your ‘Cooling Off’ period by proceeding. If you do not provide at least 21 days notice in writing prior to a booked training course of non-attendance, this will be considered a no-show and expire the cooling off period as if the course was attended. Rescheduling of such unattended training will be at Divinia Semone  Aesthetics & Training Academy  discretion and may incur a new deposit to secure.

If you wish to exercise your right to cancel, you must notify us in writing within the 21 day period by emailing you would also need to contact the finance provider to cancel your agreement once we have confirmed acceptance of your request to cancel. We reserve the right to make a charge to cover our reasonable administration costs and would advise if applicable upon confirming receipt of your cancellation request.


In line with new legislation, consumers may wish to visit the following website in the event of any dispute European Online Dispute Resolution.

In the event that you are unable to attend a booked and confirmed training date, we may be able to offer a reschedule of the training (subject to availability and at the discretion of Divinia Semone Aesthetics LTD), provided you contact us no later than 21 days prior to the training course date by email. Where it is possible to offer a reschedule of training,  We operate a ‘fair use’ policy for rescheduling and all courses can only be rescheduled on one occasion. Our team will respond to confirm whether a reschedule is possible and where it is not possible and the student chooses not to attend their training, you may forfeit your course fee.

Where a student is a ‘no show’, failing to attend for their booked training date without a minimum of 7 day’s notice by email, you will automatically forfeit your course fee and Divinia Semone Aesthetics & Training academy will be under no obligation to provide any further training or any refund.

Courses booked as part of discounted ‘last minute offers’ will be strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. These are discounted specifically for attendance on the booked course/date/venue by their very nature and so this price does not transfer to other courses. If you need to reschedule for a genuine reason (medical or compassionate), we may at our discretion, place the course fee paid minus a rescheduling fee, as credit on file valid for 6 months towards booking courses.
Any applicable price difference would need to be paid when redeeming the credit on file to book further courses.

The only exceptions to the above, where a reschedule may be offered free of charge  (depending on reason), on one further occasion only and subject to availability will be in the event of:

  • medical reasons (with a valid medical certificate covering named student/training date).

  • compassionate reasons such as close family bereavement (proof of which may be required) for non-attendance.

In the first instance, please contact our team at  regarding your reschedule request (or non-attendance), who will respond within 24 working hours.

In the event that Divinia Semone Aesthetics & Training academy should have to cancel your course for reasons outside of our control; Divinia Semone Aesthetics & Training Academy will endeavor to give students at least 24 hours’ notice of any cancellation by telephone and/or email. The Academy is not responsible for any loss of income or accommodation/travelling costs students may incur due to the cancellation of courses. All courses required to be cancelled/postponed by Divinia Semone Aesthetics & Training Academy will be rescheduled for a further course date within 6 months of the original booked course date. Such courses remain non-refundable but may be transferred to alternative courses if desired, to the same value.

Equal Opportunities Learner’s Charter “Everyone has a part to play in ensuring we achieve equality of opportunity. We believe that a positive attitude towards equality and diversity is right for our people, our clients and our business suppliers. This means that we must encourage all our people to welcome diversity and respect each person’s individuality”. Divinia Campbell Director The following Learner Charter has been drawn up stating the standards of service you can expect to receive as a learner of Divinia Semone Aesthetics Academy Using the Divinia Semone Aesthetics Academy you can expect…  to receive a highly quality learning experience  to be given equal opportunities and treated fairly  to be treated with courtesy  to have access to advice, guidance and support to ensure your choices are informed ones and that your learning needs are met  to learn in a healthy and safe environment  to be provided with timely and appropriate information on your progress  to have staff listen to any issues, suggestions or concerns you may have, and to respond in a relevant manner. In turn as a customer of Divinia Semone Aesthetics Academy we would like you to:  be fully committed to your course  treat our staff with courtesy  provide us with appropriate information to help us meet your learning and assessment needs  ensure that your behaviour contributes to a healthy and safe environment  abide by any rules specifically relating to online assessment  communicate issues, suggestions or concerns using the procedures outlined in your Student Handbook. If for any reason you wish to make a formal complaint, then please access our formal complaints procedure on the website or email This policy has been approved and authorised by: Name: Divinia Campbell Position: Director Date: 21/7/22 Signature: D.Campbell Review of Policy: 21/7/22

Complaint – a grievance, problem, difficulty or concern POLICY STATEMENT Divinia Semone Aesthetics Academy recognises the importance of learner complaints and welcomes complaints as a valuable form of feedback about its services. We are committed to using the information we receive to help drive forward improvements. This procedure outlines the aims of Divinia Semone Aesthetics Academy in dealing with complaints and sets out what you as the customer can expect when making a complaint regarding a service. A complaint is a way of letting us know that you are not happy with a particular service. We welcome your feedback. A complaint may be about delay, lack of response, discourtesy, failure to consult or about the standard of service you have received. So please let us know if: - you think we have done something wrong - we have not done something that we said we would do - you are not satisfied with a particular service or set of services that we provide ANONYMOUS COMPLAINTS We understand that it might be difficult for you to complain because you are worried that your complaint could result in a poorer service. Please be assured that we treat all complaints in the strictest confidence, and that it is your right to complain. If you do not provide us with a contact name or address, it will not be possible for us to get back to you with the outcome of the investigation PROCEDURE In the first instance, the complaint should be discussed with the team member concerned and resolution sought within 48 hours of the incident occurring. If this is successful and a resolution is reached, the complaint should be documented on the attached Appendix (1) and sent to the Centre Administrator for filing. This should be received by the Centre Administrator by the end of the next working day. There will be no further action taken. In the case of an individual wishing to make the complaint, who feels unable to discuss the complaint with the team member concerned, the matter should be referred to the Individuals’ line manager within 48 hours of the incident occurring. The line manager should then contact the Centre Manager within the next 7 days to make them aware of the complaint. The nature of the complaint will be documented as per Appendix (2) and sent to the Head of Learning and Development. On receipt of the complaint, the nature of the complaint will be brought to the attention of the team member concerned and discussed within 48 hours of receiving the complaint. The Centre Manager will then contact the individual making the complaint with a view to resolve. If resolution cannot be found, the Centre Manager will arrange a meeting with all relevant parties and agree a resolution. This will take place within 30 days. This will be final. The Centre Administrator will maintain a record of all complaints and make these available on request. All complaints must be regarded as confidential and discussed only with those parties involved. Where the subject of the complaint is centred on a ualification, the Awarding Body will be made aware if this is relevant. In the instance where the complaint is around an assessment / verification decision, then the stages outlined in the Appeals Procedure must be followed. Appendix1 Record of Complaint Name of Individual making the complaint: Location: Date: Nature of complaint Resolution Agreed: Signed Complainant: Date: Signed by Centre Manager Date: Apprendix 2 Referral of Complaint Date of referral:………………………………………………………………………………………............. Line Managers Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………. Nature of complaint: Date Referred to Head of Assessment Centre:…………………………………………………............... Actions agreed: Signed off by Centre Manager:………………………………………………………….Date: Signed Complainant:……………………………………………………………………..Date Name: DIVINIA CAMPBELL Position: DIRECTOR Date: 21.7.22 Signature: D.CAMPBELL Review of Policy: 21.7.22

Plain Jewelry

Appeals Policy and Procedure The Appeals policy is designed to protect the interests of all candidates and also to protect the integrity of the qualification. Candidates have the right to appeal in the event that they are dissatisfied with the following: The assessment decisions made by Divinia Semone Aesthetics Academy Where applicable The assessment decisions made by the Awarding Organisation. The decision by Divinia Semone Aesthetics & Academy not to support an enquiry or appeal to the Awarding Organisation A copy of the appeals procedure is available to all candidates. There is an informal and formal procedure available. The formal procedure is only to be followed if the informal procedure has failed or is inappropriate for the circumstances. All appeals must be via the formal procedures of the Awarding Organisation and supported by the Centre Manager. Every attempt will be made to resolve disputes as near as possible to the point of origin Divinia Semone Aesthetics & Academy will keep appeals records for inspection by the Awarding Organisation for a minimum of 18 months. Informal Procedure 1. Where a candidate wishes to make an appeal against the quality of provision at the centre he/she should first of all attempt to resolve the matter by a direct approach to the Centre Manager. 2. If the matter remains unresolved the candidate may require a personal interview with the Centre Manager. 3. Before the personal interview, the Centre Manager should have obtained an independent second opinion on the initial decision. 4. If, after any action to resolve the dispute taken by the Centre Manager, the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, the complainant may use the formal procedure. Formal Procedure Once the informal procedure has been exhausted, of if it is inappropriate to the circumstances, the formal procedure is to be followed. 1. The complainant will be required to submit a formal complaint in writing to the Centre Manager. 2. Within 10 working days of receiving the written appeal, the decision of the Centre Manager should be communicated to the student/trainee. 3. Decisions by the Centre Manager regarding the quality of teaching provision are final. 4. If the complainant disagrees with the result of the formal Appeals procedure regarding assessment decisions, they may utilise the Awarding Organisations formal Appeals procedure for which they must be supported by the centre. For details of the Awarding Organisation Appeals Procedure, please refer to the relevant Awarding Organisation website. Appeals Policy and Procedure Further Appeals Any learner wishing to appeal against the operation of the Appeals Procedure can do so in writing to the Centre Manager. This policy has been approved & authorised by: Name: Divinia Campbell Position: Director Date: 21.7.2022 Signature: D.campbell Review of Policy: 21.7.2023

eLearning Course Review Process Review via portal access and/or storyboard Subject matter Expert (SME) & or functionality review Edit sheet returned to Lead ID Update actioned & signed off 1. Divinia Semone Aesthetics & Academy courses are reviewed regularly to ensure currency of information and quality of performance. 2. Functionality reviews are performed three months or when an issue is highlighted either to the client service team or via course feedback. 3. Subject Matter Expert review of content is performed six monthly or when there is a change in regulation or good practice. 4. Reviews follow a standard procedure, with changes being documented on an edit sheet. 5. The edit sheet is returned to the lead Instructional Designer (ID) who will liaise with the Design and Development team to action any changes required. (This is to ensure quality of content is supported by instructional design principles in relation to eLearning) 6. Where the review is of a bespoke customer course and will lead to design effort the ID will liaise with the Sales & Marketing Department to agree costs and delivery plan. 7. It is the responsibility of the Sales team to agree the contract and delivery dates with the customer 8. Once the edits have been actioned, the course will be Quality Assured by the Client Service team and signed off by the Subject Matter Expert. 9. Once signed off the updated course will be versioned controlled and released onto the Learning Portal eLearning Course Review Process This policy has been approved & authorised by: Name: Divinia Campbell Position: Director Date: 21/7/22 Signature: D.campbell Review of Policy: 21/7/23

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